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Operations & Retrofit

Make the Sustainable
Energy Choice for Business Success
and a Healthier Planet

Sub-Metering Designs

Sub-metering involves installing additional meters to measure specific utilities (such as electricity, water, or gas) within a building.

Energy Star Portfolio Manager

Energy Star Portfolio Manager helps in making informed decisions to reduce energy usage and improve sustainability.

Energy Modelling

Energy audits & modelling goal is to identify opportunities for energy efficiency, cost savings, and environmental impact reduction.

Water Audit

A water audit assesses water usage within a building, identifying leaks, inefficiencies, and opportunities for water conservation.

Fire Audit

Fire audits evaluate a building’s fire safety measures, including fire detection systems, emergency exits, sprinklers, and evacuation plans.

Building Certification Facilitation (Operation)

We assist obtaining green building certifications (such as LEED, BREEAM, or Green Star). These certifications validate a building’s sustainable design, construction, and operation.

Measurement and Verification

This allows us to demonstrate compliance with energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality (IEQ) requirements set by green building rating programs

Home Energy Retrofit

Home energy retrofits involve upgrading existing homes with energy-efficient features, such as insulation, efficient lighting, and HVAC systems.

ESG & GRI Reporting

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting disclosing a company’s sustainability practices and performance. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) provides guidelines for transparent reporting.

D2O Inc is the best decarbonization provider that offers various sustainable services to organizations, prioritizing environmental responsibility which includes green building services, ESG Reporting, Audit and commissioning, energy simulation and modeling, and carbon neutrality services.


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8 Nelson St W, 6th Floor, Brampton, Greater Toronto Area, Ontario L6X 1B7, CA

© 2024 with D2O